Victor Scorpan

Senior System Programmer
Let's Connect
Quiet, with good team spirit and with about 20 years of experiences in development. Looking for an opportunity where my skills can be enhanced and experience can be used.

Who is Victor Scorpan?

A middle-aged person with strong knowledges into objected oriented programming and wide experience into developing complex solutions where the performance, the speed and the stability are critical. Who likes to work in team. Who is open to share his knowledges and experience with team members.
A competent programmer with wide knowledge in computers science and related areas. An endless ideas generator. A dynamic collaborator with a rich imagination - ready to increase and maintain the chances of success of any project where he is involved. An analitic with modest knowledge in mathematics computation and algoritms.

Skills & Knowledge




We grow together. Using it since 1997. Starting C using Borland C under DOS operating system, then moved to object-oriented programming when I started to develop Windows applications. I have used in various projects of different sizes: from small to very large.



I started to use it in occasional projects since the beginning of its appearance. I have used most often in small and medium size projects. Only once I have used in a project with larger size.



Since 2006 until now (December 2012) is the base programming language at the projects where I was employed.

Pascal / Delphi


This is one of my first programming languages. I have intensively used until 2002. Then occasionally was used in various projects.



I just have some basic knowledge. I have studied and used the instruction set for x86 series processors and for certain Motorola processors.



Mainly used in the small web projects or as presentation layer into mixed, more complex projects.



I have only the basic knowledge of language syntax. Using it as a word processor and especially the functionality of "regular expression".



I have made the first steps in it and checked a few examples.

Basic / Visual Basic


I started my life as programmer with the programming language "Basic" since 1992. At that time writing applications for computers from "Commodore" generation. Then occasionally I wrote applications in Visual Basic.

Java Script


Intensively used for Dynamic HTML as plain java scripting to manage DOM object. I am familiar and I have used different combinations of different "design patterns".



Utilized in most projects which had the need to storage data into relational databases.



From binary data storage, followed by storage into type file "INI" - "XML" remained the most preferred format for data serialization. XSL, XSLT I have utilized to generate HTML from static or dynamic XML data.



I have used it slightly as testing for some business logic functionality.



As "ASP" I have used it slightly in various projects mainly for testing purposes.

Shell Scripting


The most quick method to write some batches for executes a set of applications or to get some system/applications statuses.



I know the Android concept. Well known the life cycles of the applications and the types of "intents". Never yet used in real projects.



Mostly for define data classes and proxy classes for web services.

User Interface Design



I use it as the most quickest and simplest markup language to get some results on screen. I have used it in various combinations, like "in browser" application or like as embedding mode in desktop applications.

WPF / Silverlight


More used it occassionally, than as proffessional. Well understand the dependences, the objects references and more. Not yet "friendly" with styles and transitions effects.



Was most popular to develop UI for windows applications with Microsoft Visual Studio. Until now (year 2012) I use it to write quick applications (not with graphics intensive) for Windows OS.

VCL Forms


This was my first experience of developing windows applications.




Is the most used database in the last years in many projects.



Also is intensively used in projects where MySql cannot accomplish requirements or it was required by clients.



I used it in projects solutions where was used Windows domains authentication.



I studied it and was used it just in learning projects.




I have utilized it to customise windows views under the "Microsoft Windows" OS. I used: GDI and GDI Plus functions; special kernel functions; drivers functions and more. All functionalities were used in case of lack of the functionalities in base development environment.

SOAP Web Services


Is the most used into service oriented solutions where the security and the flexibility are required.



I used it for developing cross-platform components. Also I used it to integrate different components into the projects.

Fidelio Protocol


I used it as communication between the HIS (Hospitality Information System) and the "Multimedia Entertainment" System.

Spring Boot


Used to create web services with embedded web server.



In pair with Spring boot became most used protocol for communication.

Tools & Enveronments



Mostly is used for Java based projects. Compared with other Java IDE, I like it for very practical presentation of the multi-search results into files/projects.

Micr. Visual Studio


Is the most used one for developing Windows applications.



I use it rarely, just when Netbeans cannot be used or Eclipse has the better project template. As example are the Android projects.

Borland RAD Studio


It was the most used at the beginning of programmer carrier. I started from DOS Ide like Borland Pascal, then continued with Delphi and finished with Borland RAD.

IntelliJ IDEA


Mostly is used for Java based projects. Became a replacement for Netbeans IDE and Eclipse IDE.

Oracle Glassfish


Over 6 years is used as Application Server to host my java EE applications. I started using it from version 2.x.

Apche Web Server


Is my favorite web server since 1999.

Microsoft IIS


Is mainly used to host Microsoft based web applications.

Administration & Utilization.

Microsoft Windows


I have modest knowledge about Windows administration, Windows architecture, applications life cycles and more.



Know the architecture of the linux system. I have basic knowledge on administration.



I understand the communication at the hardware level and the software level as well. I understand well IPv4. I'm familliar with tunneling protocols. ... I lack knowledge on the IPv6 and wireless communications.



I have basic knowledge on the administration and maintain virtual machines. I have experience with "VM Workstation" version only.


Adobe Photoshop


I know it at the beginner level. I used it in web projects to manage, adjust images.



I use it in same way as Adobe Photoshop. It is just as another tool to do the same/similar operations.

Work Experience

Back End Developer

ResEvo d.o.o.

  • Period: December 2017 - Present
  • Job type: Full-Time

Projects - A web based solution for managing projects.

  • Spring boot, jooq, postres, json service

HRM 4.0 - A web bases solution for HRM (Human Resources Management).

  • Maintaining/bug fixing
  • New features/requirements

HRM ETL (Extract, transform, load) - Preparing data from HRM for futher analitics.

  • Spring boot, jooq, postgres, json service

SiWIM Importer 2.0 - An ETL (Extract, transform, load) for Cestel company used for further analytics.

  • Redesigning the arhitecture of import data
  • Spring boot, jooq, postgres, json service

Task Management - A web based solution for managing taks specialized for internal usage inside goverment company AKOS

  • Spring boot, jooq, postgres, json service

KAPOS GZS - A web based tool for analyzing the business of companies.

  • Java, Netbeans, Glassfish, Postgres, json service

Sportina ERP Proxy - A service used for web shop to read data from ERP system.

  • Spring boot, jooq, json service
  • Soap service

Sportina Warehouse Management - A web based tool used for managing load/dispatched for warehouse for company Sportina.

  • Spring boot, jooq, Sql Server, json service

FINRAC - A web based solution for managing finances. Outsourcing for company IXTLAN TEAM d.o.o..

  • Netbeans, java, Angular

Full Stack Developer

TerraGIS d.o.o.

  • Period: July 2013 - December 2017
  • Job type: Full-Time

eTerra - A web based GIS solution.

  • Read/transform gis data from SQL Server.
  • Web service communication.
  • Develop a Silverlight application.
  • Custom GIS Image pyramid mapping.

Terra - A desktop GIS solution.

  • Read/transform gis data from SQL Server.
  • Web service communication.
  • Develop a C# WPF application.

Other GIS tools.

  • Command line tools for convering GIS data between different formats.
  • Convert GIS image data from different cooardinate systems.

Full Stack Developer

SL-KING inženiring d.o.o.

  • Period: February 2013 - May 2013
  • Job type: Full-Time

Solutions embeded inside AutoCAD.

  • Maintaining/Bugs fixing.
  • Read GEO/GIS data inside AutoCAD.
  • Convert between different format data (CAD,GIS).

Senior Programmer

Perftech d.o.o.

  • Period: July 2006 - January 2013
  • Job type: Full-Time

Hospitality Solution - An IP TV and entertainment solution for hotel guests.

  • Designed and developed Middleware system.
  • Developed SOAP protocol based communicators between Middleware and others systems as: Presentation Applications/Systems, Management Systems, PMS (Property Management System).
  • Implemented the FIDELIO protocol based communicator used by PMS.
  • Optimized the special cases, for SOAP communication calls to handle up to 5000 concurrent calls.
  • Created a unique Middleware management protocol.
  • Wrote tools for extracting television channels programs (EPG – Electronic Program Guide) directly from multicast network streams.
  • Implemented an advanced failure detection system.
  • Developed advanced and secured push system.
  • Implemented the communication with room control equipment.

Ciklon NT - Document Management System

  • Developed the business logic model for workflow engine.
  • Wrote the SOAP protocol based communicator for inter-connections with 3rd party applications.
  • Optimized the business logic model of the system.

LARGO - ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

  • Created the reports for Storehouse and Management Planning.
  • Optimized the Microsoft SQL scripts for quick and correct results.


Compudava s.r.l.

  • Period: 2002 - 2006
  • Job type: Full-Time

"Medway EPR" - Healthcare EPR (Electronic Patient Record)

  • Porting of the DOS applications into the Microsoft Windows based platform.

Seller consultant

  • Period: 2002
  • Job type: Full-Time

Consultant for software and hardware equipment


Technical University of Moldova

  • Period: 2001
  • Job type: Full-Time

Manager/Administrator of the Network Communication Department

  • Analyzed and optimized the network infrastructure.
  • Designed the upgrade of the network infrastructure.


Technical University of Moldova

  • Period: 2000 - 2001
  • Job type: Full-Time
  • References: N/A

Practice part of IT disciplines

  • C
  • C++
  • Pascal
  • MS Office


Technical University of Moldova

  • Period: 1999 - 2000
  • Job type: Part-Time

Software and hardware support


Technical University of Moldova

Bachelor of Engineer degree in Information and Computing Systems with specialization in "Automatics and Informatics".

The specialization is combined from two sections:

  • Automatics - Engineering and science of systems and computers with application in different branches of the industry and economy, possessing competencies to elaborate, implement, diagnosticate and exploit different equipments, automatic systems and informatic systems endowed with the most advanced equipments with microprocessors and programming in real time of their functioning regimes.
  • Informatics - Technics (including in internal neccesities, i.e. the science of systems and computers, system programming and applications, etc.), economy, public administration, jurisprudence, politology, psychology, sociology, ecology, social-human sciences and other domains in which profession-oriented informational systems are used for the realization of the information's technologies in dependence of the given domain's specificity.
